
What are we trying to do?

Create and share some automations that make designing and constructing built assets quicker, simpler, and more accurate. The more automations we share, the more we can concentrate on engineering decisions, rather than repetitive, manual tasks.

We have created a ‘Periodic Table’ of automations, to which you can add suggestions, which is intended for use as an ideas board on which you can base your proposed automations. This will be via a Miro board.

The initial feedback will be via submissions to a website we have created specifically for this purpose here at https://sdedesignchallenge.blogspot.com/.

Entries do not need to detail every aspect of how an automation works (but you can if you want to). All we need is a few slides that explain how you went about solving an issue.

The more entries we get, the more we can share and learn from each other ways in which we can liberate our time for more human-centred work.

Why are we trying to do this?

To share the ideas and concepts we each have. to assist and inspire others to create and share automations and smarter ways of working.

This is building upon the One Working Day Concept Design Challenge that we ran for two years. This year we will not necessarily be focussing on concept design, it can be about anything building services related.

We will be sharing some of the ways in which we have achieved these outputs publicly, at Build2Perform in November this year and an online event in October.

The Setup

To get some inspiration, visit the Miro board and choose a topic, or you can add your ideas to the panels. To show that you would like to have an attempt at an automation, just copy one of the red dots and place it on the sticky that best describes what you would like to do.

The results of your work are what we want to share. It does not have to be a finished or even working automation. We learn as much (if not more) from our failures, so if you are brave enough, we would love to hear about your attempts and where they went wrong as much as how well they went.

Rules for Entrants

As with anything new, there aren’t really any rules. All we ask is that you submit a presentation showing how you went about your automation. Any other materials that you can share will be appreciated, for example you may be able to share a Dynamo script or spreadsheet that can perform the actual automation.


Please submit your presentations and additional material via email to cibsesdechallenge@gmail.com. Large files can be submitted using wetransfer or similar file sharing providers.

All submissions must be in by Friday 1st October, we will be presenting a selection of the automations on Wednesday 20th October followed by an open Q&A session. 
The most popular presentations will be given a slot at Build2Perform on 16th or 17th November 2021.
